Thursday, September 12, 2013
Tests on air fresheners show high levels of dangerous chemicals
PETALING JAYA: The air freshener we put in our cars or at home may smell sweet but they could be doing us more harm than we realise.
Six commonly used household air freshener products found at supermarkets and shops nationwide were tested by a consumer group for four dangerous chemicals – toluene, benzene, formaldehyde and phthalates.
All were found to contain relatively high levels of at least one of these chemicals, with phthalates – which are endocrine disrupting substances (EDS) – found in four of the six products.
Long-term exposure to EDS can lead to irreversible damage to the immune system and the brain.
According to Ratna Devi Nadarajan, the CEO of the Malaysian Association of Standards Users that conducted the test, EDS could even cause males to act more feminine and vice-versa.
“It can also stunt the development of vital organs and cause miscarriages. The extent of the damage, however, depends on the individual’s health, with pregnant women and children at higher risk,” she said.
Some air fresheners, Ratna said, were found to have a mixture of several types of phthalates, which is even more dangerous.
Two of the air fresheners were found to contain toluene, which can cause damage to the liver, kidney and brain over long-term usage.
The association also found that a locally manufactured air freshener had the highest content of harmful chemicals – it had toluene and three types of phthalates.
Ratna pointed out that many people, especially in urban areas, spent a few hours in their cars every day, inhaling the chemicals from the air fresheners.
“At the very least, these chemicals can cause headaches, nausea and depression,” she said.
When in a confined environment like in a car with very little fresh air, she said the chemicals were more harmful.
Ratna said they were still waiting for data on the limitation and regulation of air fresheners from the local regulators as well as other countries to do a comparison.
Consumers should avoid using air fresheners too often and instead opt for natural ventilation and hygiene at home, she advised.
She suggested natural alternatives such as pandan leaves, lemongrass and charcoal.
National Poison Centre consultant Dr T. Jayabalan warned that there could be a delayed onset of the harm from using air fresheners making it difficult to link it to the cause.
He said phthalates had been classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a “probable human carcinogen” which means it could cause cancer, while the US Department of Health and Human Services had classified it as a “potential carcinogen”.
Related stories:
Packaging on air fresheners does not list out chemicals used
Friday, September 6, 2013
25 Tips For Managing Stress.
1. Always take time for yourself, at least 30 minutes per day.
2. Be aware of your own stress meter: Know when to step back and cool down.
3. Concentrate on controlling your own situation, without controlling
everybody else.
4. Daily exercise will burn off the stress chemicals.
5. Eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies, bread and water, give your body the best for it to perform at its best.
6. Forgive others, don't hold grudges and be tolerant -- not everyone is as capable as you.
7. Gain perspective on things, how important is the issue?
8. Hugs, kisses and laughter: Have fun and don't be afraid to share your feelings with others.
9. Identify stressors and plan to deal with them better next time.
10. Judge your own performance realistically; don't set goals out of your own reach.
11. Keep a positive attitude, your outlook will influence outcomes and the way others treat you.
12. Stop alcohol, drugs and other stimulants, they affect your perception and behaviour.
13. Manage money well, seek advice and save at least 10 per cent of what you earn.
14. No is a word you need to learn to use without feeling guilty.
15. Outdoor activities by yourself, or with friends and family, can be a great way to relax.
16. Zest for life: Each day is a gift, smile and be thankful that you are a part of the bigger picture.
17. Quit smoking: It is stressing your body daily, not to mention killing you too.
18. Relationships: Nurture and enjoy them, learn to listen more and talk less.
19. Sleep well, with a firm mattress and a supportive pillow; don't overheat yourself and allow plenty of ventilation.
20. Treat yourself once a week with some shopping, dinner out, the parks: Moderation is the key.
21. Understand things from the other person's point of view.
22. Verify information from the source before exploding.
23. Worry less, it really does not get things completed better or quicker.
24. Xpress: Make a regular retreat to your favourite space, make holidays part of your yearly plan and budget.
25. Yearly goal setting: Plan what you want to achieve based on your priorities in your career, relationships, etc.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Mengenali diri...
Seorang pesakit kanser pankreas yang meninggal pada tahun 2008 telah menulis sebuah buku yang bertajuk “The Last Lecture” di mana buku ni adalah antara bestsellers pada tahun 2007.
Salah satu legasi yang hebat yang ditinggalkan.
Dalam surat beliau kepada isteri nya Jai dan anak-anaknya Dylan, Logan dan Chloe, beliau telah menulis ‘Guide to A Better Life’ untuk menjadi panduan kepada mereka.
Diubahsuai dari bahasa inggeris dan dikongsikan melalui forwarded email.
Bagaimana Untuk Memperbaiki Kehidupan Kita
1. Jangan membandingkan kehidupan anda dengan orang lain. Anda tak tahu bagaimana perjalanan hidup mereka yang sebenarnya.
2.Jangan ada perasaan negatif pada perkara-perkara yang tidak dapat anda kawal. Tanamkan semangat positif di dalam kehidupan anda hari ini
3. Jangan berlebihan, tetapkan had
4. Jangan terlalu serius, tiada siapa yang serius
5. Jangan bazirkan tenaga dengan ber’gossip’
6. Bermimpilah ketika anda berjaga
7. Mengagumi cuma membuang masa. Anda sudah ada apa yang anda perlukan
8. Lupakan kisah yang lama. Jangan ingatkan pasangan anda tentang kesilapan beliau di masa lampau. Ia cuma akan merosakkan kebahagiaan anda sekarang
9. Hidup terlalu pendek untuk membuang masa membenci sesiapa. Jadi jangan membenci sesiapa
10. Berdamailah dengan masa lalu supaya ia tidak merosakkan hari ini
11. Tiada siapa yang dapat mengawal kebahagiaan anda kecuali anda sendiri
12. Sedarlah bahawa kehidupan ini adalah umpama sekolah dan anda berada di sini untuk belajar. Masalah yang muncul seumpama ko kurikulum dan akan menghilang seperti kelas algebra tetapi akan menjadi pembelajaran yang anda akan ingat sepanjang hayat
13. Lebihkan senyum dan ketawa
14. Anda tidak perlu menang dalam pertelingkahan. Setuju untuk bersetuju
15. Kerap menelefon ahli keluarga
16. Setiap hari berikan sesuatu yang terbaik untuk orang lain
17. Maafkan semua orang untuk segala galanya
18. Luangkan lebih banyak masa dengan seseorang yang berusia 70 tahun ke atas dan bawah 6 tahun
19. Cuba buatkan sekurang kurangnya 3 orang tersenyum setiap hari
20. Apa yang orang lain fikir tentang anda bukan masalah anda
21. Pekerjaan anda tidak akan menjaga anda apabila anda sakit. Tapi keluarga dan kawan-kawan yang akan menjaga anda. Jadi sentiasa berhubung dengan mereka
22. Letakkan Allah dalam apa jua yang anda fikir, cakap dan akan lakukan
23. Allah akan mengubati segala galanya
24. Buat perkara yang betul
25. Bagaimana buruk atau baiknya sesuatu situasi itu, ia pasti akan berubah
26. Walau bagaimana anda rasa, anda masih perlu bangun, siapkan diri dan bersedia
27. Yang terbaik masih belum tiba, tetapi akan tiba
28. Hapuskan perkara-perkara yang tidak berguna, tidak cantik dan tidak menggembirakan
29. Bila anda terjaga di pagi hari, berterima kasihlah kepada Allah
30.Kalau anda dekat dengan Allah, anda akan sentiasa gembira. Jadi, gembiralah
Sambil sambil anda mempraktikkan semua perkara di atas, kongsikan pengetahuan ini dengan orang-orang yang anda sayang, orang-orang yang anda pernah bersekolah bersama, orang-orang yang anda luangkan masa bersama, orang-orang yang anda bekerja bersama dan orang-orang yang tinggal bersama anda.
Ianya bukan sahaja dapat memperbaiki kehidupan anda, juga orang-orang di sekeliling anda.
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